c++ Programming Glossary: x^0.4
Optimizations for pow() with const non-integer exponent? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6475373/optimizations-for-pow-with-const-non-integer-exponent but does sacrifice the ability to work with zero. Compute x^0.4 one mulps . Compute x^ 0.2 one rsqrtps . Compute x^2 one mulps.. Compute x^2 one mulps . Compute x^3 one mulps . x^2.4 x^2 x^0.4 one mulps . This is the overestimate. x^2.4 x^3 x^ 0.4 x^ 0.2.. x0 x0 __m128 x3 _mm_mul_ps x2 x0 Overestimate of x^2 x^0.4 x2 _mm_mul_ps x2 xf4 Get x^ 0.2 from x^0.4. Combine with x^..